
enjoy your stay

by my will, they will reap salvation unlike any the world has known

Lahabrea, like his fellow unsundered brothers, is a fragment of a long forgotten society. Once exalted as the speaker of the Convocation of the Fourteen, he now trudges knee-deep in a broken world, his home of Etheirys warped into a nigh unrecognizable heap of nonsense.
As Zodiark's chief designer, it is he who holds the most firm belief that the methods of his God are absolute. What use does Aether have, after all, if not funneled into new vessels to bring forth life? What use is creation if those who create are not willing to sacrifice their very being to bring about a better tomorrow? By the will of his God, he will see his world restored. Though his soul may be fractured and his mind weary Lahabrea was always known for his indomitable spirit. Be it may that he is deigned to madness and brought to disgrace his former self, Lahabrea will see it through that Amaurot returns, no matter the cost.

  • lahabrea celebrant on crystal balmung

the terms

  • I like ascians. i post about lahabrea a lot. he is my meow meow

  • not really into roleplay (unless we are already acquainted, in that case feel free to ask!)

  • sometimes horny art retweets (im 20+)

  • if you see my npc alt feel free to approach him in-game lmao i dont bite

  • love to talk to people when i have the energy

  • glamour extreme enthusiast

  • gay and taken by a wonderful boyfriend

On wings of hope, you rise up through the night higher, oh higher

Though born in Sharlayan, Laurence's heart belongs nowhere near the capital that he once called home. Always a thinker — and a contrarian — he began to question the foundations of Sharlayan society at a young age. What is the use of accruing knowledge for nothing more than catalogue? To live in passive ignorance to the death around them? After the death of the great Louisoix and the subsequent slander of his name by the Forum, Laurence knew what he had to do. He disavowed the city of knowledge, swearing upon his heart to never return. There he began his journey; an adventurer whose origins are none.

After the events of Endwalker Laurence was able to reconnect with Old Sharlayan. While it will be difficult for him to fully forgive the forum for their behavior, he walks its streets once more. Allowing himself to finally roam amongst the place he once called home.